Compliance with Standards and Ease of Internal Audit with Kuika Checklist

It offers customizable checklists to check health and safety and many other company standards in branches, stores and workplaces.

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One of the most effective ways to increase efficiency in business processes is to ensure that tasks are fulfilled regularly and on time. Kuika Checklist is a mobile-friendly work management system solution where users can track their tasks on a category basis and in accordance with time planning.

Uygulamada dört temel rol bulunmaktadır: Admin, Şube Admini, Denetçi ve Son Kullanıcı. Admin, genel sistem yöneticisi olarak tüm şubeleri ve kullanıcıları yönetmekten sorumludur. Şube Admini, yalnızca kendi şubesiyle ilgili iş süreçlerini ve kullanıcıları yönetir. Denetçi, iş süreçlerini takip eder ve işlerin doğru zamanda yapılıp yapılmadığını denetler. Son Kullanıcı ise mobil uygulama üzerinden kendisine atanan işleri görür, belirtilen zamanda tamamlar ve ilgili işlemleri sisteme kaydeder.




Easy Tracking with Centralized Task Management

Increase optimization by tracking your employees' tasks with Checklist.

Easy Management of Operations with Centralized Tracking

The management panel provides a broad overview of all operations, ensuring that processes are organized and smooth.

Increased Process Alignment and Accountability

With automated process control, work is completed on time and according to plans; human errors are minimized.

Proactive Management with Real-Time Notifications

With instant alerts, critical tasks are notified and rapid intervention is provided.

Better Organization with Customizable Definitions

Operational control is increased by easily managing different regions, branches and categories.

Structured Checklists for Increased Productivity

Step-by-step task guidance for employees facilitates job tracking and accelerates progress monitoring for managers.

Fair and Objective Performance Evaluation

Transparent performance evaluations are made through task scoring and verification, and development areas are identified.

Clear Justification for Quick Problem Solving

Accountability and continuous improvement are encouraged by recording the reasons for incomplete tasks.

Secure Access with Role-Based User Management

With authorization-based user definitions, each user accesses only their own task area, increasing security.


Dashboard and Mobile Support

Full control over tasks with various roles and categories

Management Dashboard (Dashboard)

Provides managers with a centralized dashboard showing the overall status of the company.

Process Audit

Checks whether business processes are executed in accordance with set timelines.

Definitions Module

Includes regions that define operational zones, branches that manage branches belonging to each region, categories that create categories to classify business processes, and users management that adds users with specific roles, regions, branches, and email addresses.

Checklist Definitions

Consists of questions that define tasks to be tracked and completed, justifications that record the reasons for tasks not completed, checklists that create checklists that can be customized by categories, and tolerance period that sets a time limit for task completion and scores tasks completed within that time.


Alerts and notifications generated by the system are presented in list format for quick access.

Task Scoring and Validity

Specific weight percentages are assigned to each question in the checklist and tasks are marked as “valid” or “invalid” according to the results of the audit. Invalid tasks receive 0 points.

Mobile Application

Consists of the End User Interface, where users can view the tasks assigned to them and save the completed tasks, and the Branch Panel, which provides a dedicated panel for the management of branch-based processes.


API Integration
Available with portal app
Calendar synchronization (Outlook...)
Cloud Based
Comment and discussion sections
Email and notification integration
Mobile compatibility (Responsive Design)
Multi-language support
Multi-platform support (Web, Mobile, Tablet)
Powered by AI
Push notifications (Mobile)
Real-time reports
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
User and Role-Based Authorization
User-friendly Interface
Workflow automation and reminders