5 Steps of Effective and Planned Low Code Training: ADDIE

ADDIE is an instructional design model used in low-code traning which consists of the steps Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation.
5 Steps of Effective and Planned Low Code Training: ADDIE

In line with the data and reports presented by Gartner and Forrester, it is seen that the use of low-code development platforms is increasing day by day and the technical capabilities of low-code development platforms are improving.

With organizations turning to low-code development platforms and the increasing demand for these platforms, it has become important to train competent citizen developers. At this point, the way to train competent citizen developers; undergoes an effective, systematic and planned training process.

What is the ADDIE model?

Systematic and planned realization of training processes is possible with instructional design and instructional design models. In the shortest definition, instructional design is the systematic and planned processes in which the learning process, learning contents, learning materials and learning experiences are designed, developed, implemented and evaluated.

The instructional design process can be developed within the framework of different models. One of the most common models used in this context is the ADDIE model, which is considered the "core" model.

The ADDIE model, which includes general definitions of teaching and consists of five stages, consists of the stages of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The ADDIE model is a cyclical model. The data obtained in the evaluation phase creates a data source for the analysis phase of the next application.

At this point, you can design effective and planned low-code training in 5 steps within the scope of the ADDIE model.


In the analysis step of effective and planned low-code training, detailed data is collected from all stakeholders who will take part in the training process in order to define the current status, characteristics, needs and the career process of citizen developer candidates.

The need of real and legal entities that will provide citizen developer employment is an important variable for effective low-code training. In the continuation of the data collection process, the data for is analyzed and the main problem is defined. The source of the problem identified with the obtained data and the solutions to be used in the training are determined in this step.


After research and planning studies are carried out for the training process through the collected and analyzed data, in the design step;

  • The objectives of the low-code training and the modules that make up the content of the training are determined in a clear and verifiable way.
  • How the set goals will be achieved is defined.
  • Instructional strategies to be used to achieve the objectives are defined.
  • The environments where the training will be carried out and the variables of the environments are determined.
  • The methods to be used in the training process are determined.
  • The training contents and the flow of these contents are determined.
  • Presentation of learning contents and materials are determined.
  • In the process of determining the materials, the interaction element that will increase the motivation of the learners is taken into consideration.
  • Evaluation methods to be used to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of the training are determined in accordance with the objectives.


In the development stage, a product creation process begins in the light of the data provided by the previous two stages.

Firstly; lesson plans, training contents and educational materials determined in the design step are created and combined. By performing content writing in the development step for an effective learning process; storyboards and graphics are created.

In this step, it is recommended to use a three-step approach consisting of drafting, production and evaluation to develop materials. It will be beneficial for the process to verify the course materials by taking expert opinions about the developed course materials.

Learning management systems, which are frequently used in online learning environments and blended learning environments, are also used in the ADDIE model. A technological infrastructure and knowledge may be needed to utilize learning management systems. At this point, it may be preferable to purchase services from individuals with relevant expertise.


In this step, the training process is put into practice by using the previously determined methods and strategies with the information and created materials in the analysis, design, development stages.

It is an important point to provide an equal distribution in terms of hourly workload according to the course content during the application. During the training, care is taken to motivate the trainee at every moment of the process by using appropriate materials that will enable interaction among low-code learners. At the same time, motivation can be provided by attracting the attention of the learners, increasing the confidence of the learners in training, associating the educational content with employment resources and engaging the learners. In addition, the effectiveness of the learning process will increase if learners are supported with feedback in the application step. It will also be beneficial to pay attention to the management of the learning environment and time during the implementation process.

In learning management systems used in online learning environments and blended learning environments, it is recommended by instructional designers to carefully review user experience and learning analytics during the implementation process. Keeping electronic portfolios of learners through learning management systems is an important resource for process evaluation, especially in order to create a data source for the evaluation phase.


The evaluation step of ADDIE is the last step of the training process. Here, the measurement and evaluation tools developed in the development step are used in accordance with the objectives and evaluation criteria determined in the design step.

The evaluation result will provide feedback and correction for the next low-code training implementation, as well as informing about the success of the process. In this context, it would be beneficial to use both formative and summative evaluation in the evaluation process.

The data of the learners about the products they developed in the process and the process in general can be kept through personal portfolios, and portfolios can be used as an evaluation tool. The products developed in the process can be evaluated with product evaluation approaches.

It is an important point to archive the evaluation result by filing online/face-to-face according to the type of evaluation tool applied. These archived data will always be a data source for a scalable and sustainable low-code training.

Unlock the potential with low-code

With the realization of the above-mentioned steps, it is possible to train competent citizen developers. The most important variable that increases the effectiveness of low-code training is the needs of learners, which also form the basis of the ADDIE model.

The instructional design process developed by Kuika Academy considers these needs as the focal point and follows a systematic and planned way in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of the process. Sign up to the Kuika Academy today and follow the steps to become a well-rounded citizen developer!

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